music classes

  • Our classes are ongoing and pro-rated, so you can feel free to join anytime.
  • To see schedule and prices, click on the Purple class group that fits your child's age.
  • Home materials/streaming fee due at registration. Tuition divided into 3 equal payments. Or, you can choose to pay for the full semester upfront.
  • If you are not sure which age group is best for your child, please email or text/call (619)656-9178 Annette.  I will be happy to learn more about your child to help you determine the best music class for both of you. 

Our Classes are divided into sessions. You can click on a seasonal graphic to see all the classes offered in that semester, or on a Class Type to see information and schedules for that class.
Foundations Spring
Newborns to 18 months
Level 2 Spring
16 months to 3 1/2 years
Level 3 Spring
3 years to 5 years